
Project Objective
To design and develop an end-to-end Customer Relationship Management solution, specifically for the Business Cash Advance, Business Loan and Merchant Processing industry. The CRM should be an on-demand web solution. It should help funding companies streamline their entire process and better manage their relationships with merchants, brokers and investors.
The CRM software was supposed to function as a comprehensive Business Management Platform for the MCA companies. So it was required that the entire cash advance funding process is understood, analyzed and then mapped within the solution. Then only could the CRM become a success!
Our Solution
We delivered a CRM solution that is self-sufficient to manage the entire MCA workflow and at the same time is flexible enough to mold itself as per the company instead of the other way round. Using PlumpGreen CRM, MCA companies can track all their contacts, documents, deals and commissions from practically any location and time. They get assistance in four crucial stages – Merchants Acquisition, Background Check, Funding and Post Funding. Following are the main features of the solution provided:
- Leads Import
- Prospect Management
- Cash Advance Management
- Forecasting
- Role-based Dashboard view
- Notifications
- Click to Fax & Email
- Confirm Application Receipt
- Attach Documents
- Additional Document Request Linked to Applicant
- Click to Send Merchant Contracts
- Click to Send Fund Signed Contracts
- Fund Select
- Click to Send to Fund
- Sent to Fund Auto Status Change
- Processor Select
- Click to Send to Processor with Auto Status Change
- Approval Numbers Linked to Applicant.
Technology Used
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP with CodeIgniter Framework, AngularJS, HTML5, Ajax, Jquery, Node.js, package installer for distribution, online calendar sharing and collaboration.