Posted by Paul Anderson
Why online retailers need CRM more than ever
When it comes to online business in the festive season, there’s no end to the expectations. Businesses have a tight schedule and need to deliver the ordered products across boundaries in millions of homes. That works out to many deliveries per day.
No doubt, nowadays the online retail stores are much better prepared and organized to go about doing this. But they can be even more productive if they use well-designed CRM software solutions. Their delivery service can function as a well-oiled machine with all the necessary data in the hand.
Here’s how:
To deliver products around the world, online retailers have several delivery boys employed under them. In order to keep an eye on all of them, the online businesses can start using the mobile CRM. Each delivery boy can have an individual profile that he or she can use to update about the status of the delivery. Delivery Managers can ensure that all the delivery boys work in sync and keep a constant track on them by asking questions about the delivery status and even congratulating them for doing an exceptional job.
Carrying the ordered product delivery details in loose papers or books is a passé. Online stores can ditch this method and instead use the CRM Mobile App on their phones. This way, even the delivery boys can have all the “customer” information accessible at the touch of a button. If required, they can look into the customers’ name, address and past purchases history. Once the product is delivered, they can mark the deal as “closed’’ — all from their mobile device.
Post all the delivery; the online retailers can use the CRM analytics to break down the Big Data and understand key areas like:
Most purchased products
Total Manufacturing cost
Average time spent at each delivery.
This can prepare the online retailers to tackle the next year more effectively.

Final Thoughts
For any online retail business to flourish in the present times, it’s important that they stay on the cutting edge of what their customers are expecting. And this can only happen when they have an automated business solution like CRM. Using the CRM application, retailers will have a much tighter grasp over their entire operations. Right from manufacturing to marketing, sales and delivery – they’ll be able to keep a bird’s view on all the processes – something that is not possible otherwise.
And what’s best is that there are many successful online retailers that have already taken the route to CRM. If you look at the current statistics of CRM application development, there’s a major spike in the recent times. One of the industries that have been gung ho about CRM application development is none other than online retailers.
It just shows that what we are preaching is already getting followed by many. So what are you waiting for? If you’re reading this, and related to the online retail domain, head over to CRM software providers to learn more about what CRM can do to make sure your business runs smoothly every year!