Posted by Paul Anderson
What Applications Are Best Suited For Cloud?
Currently being on cloud is on vogue. There is a rush among businesses to grab hold early advantages of being on cloud. Some are in the process of transferring their entire business to cloud environment. According to a report published by IDC, by 2015 around 77% of American businesses will be on cloud and the trend will be led by small businesses. Given the wide spread acceptance of cloud computing solution one may wonder if it is a suitable option for all business environment or is right to host every kind of enterprise applications.
This is a raging debate as it’s been seen that applications when transferred to cloud indiscriminately fail to perform at optimum level. From this one can conclude that even when cloud brings in advantages like scalability, portability, accessibility, agility and flexibility to enterprise IT environment not every application is designed to fit into the setup. Here is an analytical post where we have discussed about certain cloud based applications, which will help you truly leverage the benefits of cloud solutions.
As a rule of thumb we can say that applications of the following categories are befitting to be hosted in cloud:
- Applications that need rapid escalation: Applications that are expected to get large number of hits at any point of time or is expected to grow exponentially would perform well in the scalable environment of cloud.
- Applications that need huge storage capacity: Applications that occupies most part of your internal storage space is better deployed to the cloud where the storage capacity can also be adjusted to meet the growing demand. For example – Email hosting solutions make an ideal candidate cloud for cloud hosting.
- Applications that need to be accessed from anywhere: Business applications that will be accessed by executives from outside the office, on their handheld devices should be hosted on cloud. Cloud is ubiquitous, i.e. the data hosted on cloud can be accessed from anywhere.
- Applications needed collaboration: Collaboration APIs performs better on cloud computing environments. Some of the ideal candidates for cloud solutions are: Email, File Sharing, Online Video and Voice Conferencing etc.
- Stand alone apps: Unless the entire suit of application is hosted on cloud, hosting applications that need collaboration with the rest of enterprise application ecosystem don’t make the right choice for cloud hosting. Hosting different applications at different environment may create barriers for efficient integration. Stand alone apps, on the other hand, can be hosted on cloud to lower IT licensing and infrastructure costs.